Thursday 15 September 2016

  ! Promote Your Books on !

We tweet your book, blog or author website to over ONE MILLION
organically curated followers on via our long-established network of 10 accounts.

1-10 day promotion campaigns - 10 tweets per day from $10

20 day SUPASAVE - 10 tweets per day for 20 days: $49

(more details beneath booking form)


Tweets for all options are sent out via our 10 affiliate accounts:


@TweetYourBooks @WriteIntoPrint @BookTeasers

@BookTweepz @GreatOnKindle @books2delight
@BookSizzle @KindleTingles
@AuthorBookBoost @BoostYourBooks

Tweets are spread & orchestrated to get maximum exposure on Twitterposted between 3 a.m. and 10 p.m. (P.S.T.)

Perfect for:
book promos & releases ~ book tours ~ book blogs ~ free book giveaways ~Twitter parties ~ KDP promos
(Many of our clients report overwhelmingly successful KDP free promotions)

We have helped thousands of authors & publishers to get the word out for their book promotions.

If you have a last minute order or wish to (briefly) discuss details, please email us prior to booking. Contact us via our Contact page or email:

Booking is EASY Please select the services you require and complete the information requested in the booking form above.

You will then be taken to PayPal to complete your transaction (you can also pay there by credit/debit card). If you forget to add any information you can email us the additional info to: but please supply us with the email address you booked with so that we can identify the order

You can also book direct if you're having trouble with the form: Contact and our service team will liaise with you personally regarding your campaign.

If you are unsure of how to compose Tweets why not take a look at how authors compose theirs by looking at our TWEETING TIMELINE or, ultimately, we can make them for you (*see Terms of Service below*). Just type into the form the general information you want to convey, and the website URL, and upload the image you would like to include.


Do not include Twitter usernames of other people withoufirst obtaining their consent ... such practices result in account suspension!

We no longer handle polarised political non fiction (that which is critical of a particular party) other than in memoir form of certain types; we promote fiction and educational books in all genres rather than serve those with a political agenda. Unlike budget services, we do not flood our Twitter timelines by booking hundreds of other books (which would dilute the effectiveness of your campaign) so we close bookings once our limited bookings are reached (usually for 2-3 days). We advise that you book early to avoid disappointment. When bookings are otherwise open please try to provide 48 hours notice to ensure that we have time to process your order; though we can usually provide you with our service at far shorter notice, it is by no means guaranteed. Our service cannot control outside factors, or scheduling software or API permissions etc. and so we provide our service on the understanding that you are willing risk their continuing stability while your campaign is being executed (in the event of scheduler failure or prohibition we intend to operate a contingency "retweet carousel" rather than individual scheduled tweets until the problem is resolved.)

We cannot guarantee how many retweets or sales our tweets will result in. What we can guarantee is that over the last 13 years we have built a huge and loyal following comprising mostly readers and authors (most of whom are also avid readers), and that your order will be fulfilled with diligence. So please take pains to ensure your Amazon page (or other vendor page) has maximum appeal and that the free preview there is as captivating and polished as possible.

We are not able to update Tweets once they are scheduled so bear this in mind if you refer to your Amazon rankings etc. at the start of your promo. 

If you rely on us to polish the content of your Tweets, it is on the understanding that we do not refund you if, for any reason, you are not happy with them.

Please note we do not promote hard core pornography or erotica involving minors.

We reserve the right to decline your application without entering into correspondence; in the event this happens, we will provide a full refund as soon as possible.